
68 Game Reviews

15 w/ Responses

I can't believe it....I'm actually giving a 0/5 to a DeathTiger0 game. From the guy who brings us awesome point and click adventure games, this is virtually the WORST one. Here's why:
- Big Oversight:
The game's point is to find clues and items, use them logically to rule out suspects, and eventually click "I know who did it!", which you then chose the culprit. However, an oversight you had was that you DIDNT limit when you can do this. So, I did it at the beginning for some reason, and just mindlessly clicked everyone til I got the guy...which makes the whole game pointless!
- Bad Advertising:
The game mentions it's not an adventure game, more of a detective game. However, did you know that adventure games and detective games are very similar? Both involve you looking for clues/items which you use to rule out suspects/solve puzzles in which you get the endgoal of catching the culprit/solving a problem. Just a nitpick I had.
- Dry Gameplay:
Similar to my rant on School Run by dnasman, I feel this game is dry. It doesn't have the same charm as the previous games. There's barley any humorous things, like the original ones, there's little gameplay, with like, only 1 or 2 items as I'm aware (and as mentioned earlier, you can beat the game in 10 seconds by randomly clicking the suspects). Because of this, it wasn't really fun.
- Final Thoughts
So yeah. This game sucks. The art visuals and concept were good, despite it being botched badly. I actually do not recommend this. Yeah. Luckilly, this was one of the many few blotches on DT0's legacy, and I'm sure he's realized that he was kinda dimwitted when he was coding this. ..especially the IKWDI button.

Oh look, it was that Scratch game!

Yeah....IDK. I defiantly do not know why the rating is 1.84 lol. Ok seriously- this wasn't the best, and I'll explain.
Alright, so from what I can tell, you only mention any inspiration in the credits, coming from "this was inspired from Tom's Pico's School". However, at no point, you never mentioed @JonBro, the creator of the Riddle School series, also inspired by Pico. Why do I belive this was more Riddle influenced? Well...
1. The concept is literally the same- Character is bored, Decide to escape school, Needs to get the key, uses key, escape complete!
2. The UI reminds of the original one- inventory in bottom corner and map in top corner. Similarly, you went for a one color pallet, for Riddle School, it was red, for this, it was green. And not to mention, you use the exact same concept for the NESW buttons!
3. Most of the layout and characters are similar, sunch as the first room your in is the "Special Class". Not insane however. Also, many of the characters have similar personalites, the janitor is a copy of every janitor in the series, Mr Louis acts like Mr Read (RS3), and Ms Edna almost looks the exact same as Mr Munch! And I nearly forgot- THE SINK.
4. You attempted to copy Jon's sense of punny and funny humor- you failed. The comedy is about as dry as a stale bagel. Like, it took me 20 seconds to realize what you were going for with "Oh man, I'm a guy!"
5. Most of the puzzles are similar; getting something from the supply closet, opening a certain locker, giving money to get a treat, etc. Speaking of puzzles, WHAT WENT THROUGH YOUR BRAIN THINKING KILLING A TEACHER IS OK?!?! (i know its rated teen, but still?)
6. Finally, on July 8th, 2008, the biggest installment of the series then, RS3, got frontpaged. I'd imagine you saw it and tried to profit (well not really profit more of benifit) from Jon's actually good game.
So yeah. It really angers me that Jon got NO credit in this game. >:(
Oh don't you dare get me started on that! I thought the jokes were bad, but almost everything is bad! I mean, the art wasn't to bad...but it's not as good as I wanted. Like, was I the only person to notice this weird corner glitch in the Teacher's Lounge?!?
and whi is almost every baloon dialouge.has broke grammer and bad spellng!! like, plz tel me im not de only 1 2 notice diz?1? Don't worry, thats not gonna be the whole review. And honestly, to get back to the jokes- theres barley anything to go on! There's no crappy jokes in the supply room, only "This is ___" and the dialouge is so dr- oh wait, NOW IM REPEATING MYSELF! You know what, I'm making a whole paragraph devoted to this.
Alright, so what do we have...
Some rebel teenager named Smith who looks oddly way to much like a male Cassandra (hmmm) wants to be president. Ok, going back to the copy of Jon, this is just a worst 5- or even Darnell! There's also this (ironically) crude poster in the Janitor's closet that kinda makes me cringe. Of course it's ice cream, why is it in the cone then? Had you done this with something like puding, it could have made a bit more sense. And finally for humor, I gotta love how after you kill the teacher, Simon says "eNjOy tHe cOoKiE!". That's not funny- it's just cruel.
- (possibly live) GAMEPLAY
Alright, so first of all, I'm having trouble understanding most stuff because the item descriptions are huge and often go off screen. Next, I...wait...poison? Oh no..anyways, there's a book in this locker, here you go, Mr Read Rip Off! Now time to buy a cookie! (really? THATS THE SOLUTION?) So...wait, I have to put poison in the water....then I put the cookie in- what? Anyways, of to the teacher's lou- wait why does it want to me to give him the coo- HOLY CRAP! Uh....so now I just take the key and exit? *sigh* fine. It's not like I have more to go since like, 40% of the rooms and maps are unenterable/useless. *goes to right exit* WHAT DO U MEAN IT WILL ONLY WORK ON THE LEFT EXIT!? If you didn't want to use another exit, why didn't you uh, block it, or restrict it in some way? :/
Well than, I think it's safe to say this game isn't the best. I also nearly forgot- the music is so repeative and loud my ears are gashing. If you'd like to waste about 4 minutes, this is the game for you. Overall, I really hope these tips helpped- oh wait, the creator is inactive. Well, I hope it helped anyone else who has thoughts of making a Riddle School fangame. :P So, yeah, I don't really lives up to be a Riddle School fangame, but it had potential. But because of what I'd said over the last 3,000 words, something tells me this rating isn't gonna increase soon.



SpiderDiamond responds:

is dead

Coolman: Take Coolness and Add Rage

Of course, not to bad, except for the fact its almost I M P O S S I B L E

awesome sauce

hehe its good.

and i know that because im your f r i e n d

the one costed star is BorEdom

busy eating your grandmother
pfp: @Higgies

A A @97OldGrounder

Age 14, Male


Scratch High School

Under ya' bed

Joined on 6/11/21

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