This actually was way better than what I was expecting. The sudden challenge and reaction time really if fun! Rage fitting, but fun!
This actually was way better than what I was expecting. The sudden challenge and reaction time really if fun! Rage fitting, but fun!
thank you newgrounds user 97OldGrounder
Very fantastic. The concept of a game where you control 2 players has been done, but you managed to take the concept and turn it even better with the 2d and 3d elements.
Interesting conception for a simple evade game, albeit the "you die if you hit the edge" thing is making me rage at this game unnescarliy.
The art may not be my standards, but it's actually not to shabby! I'm quite actually impressed on how you gradually improved to make a half decent game.
3 Stars! thank you!
It's pretty good for what it is, especially the concept, art and music, but many issues are present:
- Bullets are hard to distinguish; in the boss fight of Stage 1 it was especially bad; it took me a while to realize the green + explode to bullet thingies. Infact, the bullets are way too easy to dodge. I'll elaborate on this later.
- Pretty glitchy when you lose lives; the quality of art makes it hard for me to tell when I'm touching or not touching something, so sometimes it seems I touch something when I didn't.
- Boring gameplay; i can literally just spam Z and easily kill everything, sure, it's not efficient, as I'll lose lives frequently, but if you wanted me not to just spam and hurry up with the level, put a pause between shoots.
- The enemies are very poorly done. They're too easy to avoid and kill, especially in stage one. The ghosts are too easy, the eyeballs are to easy to dodge, and the clusters? Just use X.
- The bosses...oh the bosses...
Ok, the stage one boss? It was so anger inducing. The first stage of the first boss had bullet like things spammed across the screen, which made it hard to concentrate but once again, all I had to do was spam Z and wait for him to lose all his HP. And the second stage of the first boss? Oh...don't even get me on it! It's a HUGE spiral and it's extremely hard to know how to avoid the spiral. Now, one review said there's a blind spot you have to go to, but I couldn't find it, so I quite literally gave up on the end of Stage 1. I'd critique Stage 2 and beyond but is Stage 1 was this anger inducing, who knows how terrible the next stages are.
Overall, the game is REALLY mediocre, in fact I have no idea why it got front paged. Just fix up a few things, like making the monsters SOMEHWAT hard to avoid. If you were to improve this, I'd probably rate it 3.5/5 instead.
Yeah, I know that review also mentioned how infuriating it would be if you couldn't find the blind spot, and it seems that's very much true.
I'm currently working on an update that will tweak the game's difficulty, so I'll try and make the first stage a little more interesting and tweak the first boss's patterns as well. Hopefully you will enjoy the game more once that update comes out.
Decent for what it is. Fun fact: Graeme (2LeftThumbs) talked about this when I brought up that animation you were telling me about.
Really where
It..was a thing. Since I'm to lazy to do my classic review style, I'll just say:
1. Glitchy.
2. Short.
3. (Okay?) Attempt At Art.
4. Actually That's It.
The sequel is coming soon
It's an OK game, so I'll say some things I liked and things I ha- I mean, you can improve on.
- ART -
The art is pretty good. Not the best, but I'd presume you may be a beginner at flash, so it's great for beginners. If your not a beginner than...uhh...
Ok this is where things begin to fall. Obviously it's a RS fangame, but here's the problems with originality. The puzzles and jokes are very similar, which kind of angers me, since nothing gets me than copied lazy writing rather than your own creativity.
The puzzles are pretty easy to figure out, but once again, this probably was one of your first flash attempts, so I may excuse that. For future puzzles if you make future games, a suggestion is to make an easy puzzle and think of how you can amplify it. I'll also have to say like RS1, there's lots of empty useless rooms. Another tip is to think of what puzzle could fit in a room.
This is a section about dialogue. < That's NOT how to do dialogue, but somehow 55% of the game's text is that. You should add puns, funny stuff, crap jokes, inside jokes, any jokes! This was an issue I found with School Run as well.
No, this isn't art all over again. This one will go over how the game works and functions. To begin off, whilst most of the coding is good, I found some weird glitches.
Glitch 1: If you click the 3rd most lockers after getting the cookie, your transported into the cafeteria.
Glitch 2: Even after you give the cookie, you can re-enter the room and will be faced with it again. However, since the cookie is no longer in the inventory, you get stuck.
Glitch 3: Whilst this is minor, you can notice the crack in the floor spaz out once you get the cookie.
Along with that, I noticed some smelling mistakes of misleading things. You'd think you'd need a hall pass to get pass the kid, but you don't, so why even put that?
Once again, it's ok overall, and if it's a beginners game, its pretty impressive. But please, take my complaints with a pinch of salt and improve your next game if you do so.
P.S. You forgor to credit Jon.
busy eating your grandmother
pfp: @Higgies
Age 14, Male
Scratch High School
Under ya' bed
Joined on 6/11/21